Thursday 4 October 2012

Hello people, well I know I have been away for a while;e but I am back and with a few announcements   to make, first the Crime Novel is well under way, first four pages complete (except text), and I have begun the work for my weekly web comic HUNT, which will be promoted through the Bad Haven come web site, very exciting, stay tuned for release date. So without further a dew here is the first four pages from the crime novel.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Crime Novel

This is the pencil work for the first page from the upcoming crime novel, title to be announced. My scanner had trouble picking up the pencil so I had to enhance it on photoshop. I don't want to give too much away as I want the story and characters to be fresh when it comes together a bit more, but I think it has a strong story and twists that will leave your jaw dropping hard, not to build it up to much.

Thursday 2 August 2012

New piece that was originally for an album cover design, but the theme changed and it wasn't for me, but luckily this will fit into a story line that I am working on for my crime novel, stay tuned for some pencil drawings of the main character Detective Fox.

Sunday 15 July 2012

The Hunter Returns!!

Ok so I've been away for a while, I know you have all been waiting with baited breathe whats coming next, well we have a real treat for you, The Shadow Hunter is making his glorious return after a lengthy  break, but back with a vengeance and looking better than ever. I have entered a competition with this new and improved SH, so who knows he could soon be gracing the pages of Total Film and get his full introduction to the world. So here are the drawings from the piece, hope you enjoy. 

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Revelations, The Coming 2012

The following post is from a project I did on the book of Revelations, depicting the coming of the four horsemen. The project also was to tie in with the prophet Nostradamus predicting the end of the world in December 2012. Hope you enjoy the work. A3 pages, Pen & Ink

Tuesday 8 May 2012

One January Night...

Hi people so I know you have been waiting for the new Edgar Allan Poe short story. The story of the Poe Toaster, a tradition that began in the 1930's and carried on for 75 years, this is my depiction of his journey to Edgar Allan Poe's grave, well here it is in all its glory, One January Night...Hope you enjoy!!

Thursday 3 May 2012

Influential Artists

Ok, just a short post about some artists I am interested in, First is my main inspiration the great Vince Locke, some of the greatest work I have seen anywhere is from Vince, his work on the Cannibal Corpse covers is outstanding and I have yet to see someone who can draw a zombie as well as he can.

Next on the list is the late great Jack Kirby. Jack Kirby gave us some of the most memorable characters in comic history, from the Spider-man to the X-men, he was the man who brought these characters to life. Also his way of constructing comic pages changed comics for ever, I think its safe to say the comic  industry would not be as successful if Jack Kirby hadn't put pencil to paper. To quote Monster Magnet "and I was thinking how the world shoulda cried, on the day Jack Kirby died"

And last but not least Todd McFarlane, creator of Spawn the most successful independent comic of all time and creator of some the best Marvel cover art work. I have a lot respect for Todd Mcfarlane, after he split from Marvel with ten other artists to start a new company, Image comics, because they believed that if you create a character you should own it, which I think is the way it should be, he launched Spawn, and what a launch, his art style is distinct, and he created/co-created some of modern comics most recognisable and interesting comic characters, once you have read Spawn you won't forget it.

So there you have it my three main influences, not bad, but one day hopefully i'll be on someones list.

Tuesday 24 April 2012


Thursday 29 March 2012

Eight Hundred Thousand Hills Cover

Cover for the Eight Hundred Thousand Hills short, Pen and Ink, A3 hopefully this will be made into a short comic book, the story was written by Andrew Kerr and I of course did all the illustration. I was first asked to produce just a nine panel piece, but I felt that the story could be spread out, and would have a better feel if it was expanded visually. Keep an eye out for more work from the Smyth/Kerr team coming in the future.
Today I shall be producing the cover for Eight Hundred Thousand Hills, stay tuned for the result should hopefully be up tonight...

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Recent re-design for a Manowar cover, Into Glory Ride, check out the original and you will see why I re-designed it. Pen and Ink A2  

Screen print, War Horse, A3
currently available in Ross's online auction

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Above is a guest page I produced for Uproar Comics publication Zombie Hi issue 4, the story was written  by Kevin 'Gio' Logue, and my illustration.

Eight Hundred Thousand Hills

In 1994 I lived with my father, every morning he liked to listen to the radio...
One morning he woke me, looking very scared. He said we had to leave right away, i asked why...he said "they are coming to cut down the tall trees."
As we ran from our village he held the little radio to his ear...behind us I could hear people that I knew screaming.

That night we slept in a ditch outside our village...
Then my father went to find food...he never came back
Later I crept back to the village. The bodies of my neighbours lay outside their houses...being eaten by dogs...
For ninety days I hid in the well behind our house.The water meant i had to sleep standing up...Only sometimes did hunger make me brave enough to try to find some food.
One night I was spotted by some militia men, they weren't much older than me...when they saw me theey said, "look cockroach"...
I ran away...but one man caught me with his machete...I fell down...
...and they took turns raping me as i died...seventeen of them...i counted
Thats how i left Rwanda....The End

 Above, a short story page for Andrew Kerr, this piece is telling the story of a young girl in Rwanda in 1994. Illustration Matthew H. Smyth, words Andrew Kerr